My first project in the company was to redesign their user profile system. What they had was very poor and users did not interact with it at all. The main idea was tthat having a better user profile would increase sales by having users engage more with the website.
- Improve UX and UI
- Add new features
- Engage customers to their profile
- Increase sales
It was an immense project and we had to do it with a better way of presenting the user profile. We started with the user information, then we went to the other pages: companions, payment methods, etc. We left the last part to be the Dashboard. We decided that we first need everything and then we would progress to the page that summarizes everything. The results you see below:


Payments page

Travel Credit page

It was not only the UI that got a new face, but the whole UX and navigation was also changed for a better User Experience. Most of the pages had a terrible experience when editing items, but the new one is much clearer then the previous. The user journey now has a better flow compared to the previous. We had to think on every possible new scenario. Below you can see the scenarios for the Companions:
Also the website navigation was another different project in which through countless iterations we could achieve a better way of making users navigate throughout the website
“This project made the company change their mind about the mobile first approach. Ryanair’s website used to be responsive but this is the first project that made them go adaptive, thanks for the research that the team build into it.”