Increasing revenue and educating users

Ryanair make more then 80% of the profit during the summer. With that in mind, the company decided to go with some strategies to increase conversion of products an increase revenue. I was responsible for strategies to increase conversion during the check-in flow. The first idea was to sell more Priority & 2 Cabin Bags. Below, how the check-in process worked before the project.


  • Increase sales of Priority Boarding
  • Improve UX on the check-in flow

With the requirements at hand, we designed one simple solution, but we were not sure if it was going to work. at this moment we decided to stop the design process and start the extensive research. First we had a round of interviews with users, in which we had some great insights. The most important is that users have a product blindness agains Ryanair products: once they perceive that we are trying to sell something, they just skip that. Most of the products are associated with ad like images. Users just have a blindness to these type of things. Because of that we decided to go with a different approach: we decided to make selling product more like a functional feature of the check-in.

This new strategy was perceived very positively to both users and the business, the company decided to redesign the whole check-in flow to accommodate the new strategy. We now have a new process for the check-in that offer products in a different way, and users have no more product blindness against this. They wven believe that Ryanair is trying to be transparent by better explaining their new policy.